Project One

Mystic Meadows Academy is a project that involved redesigning a pre-school. I wanted to take a different approach and make it into something that is magical and inspiring for the kids attending. Inspired by many movies, this pre-school is located in an historic old firehouse, which many elements I wanted to keep and pay homage to its original roots.

The focus of the project was to tackle the issues in the designs of classrooms and education centers today. Instead of going for the traditional jail-like approach, this new design fosters a sense of meaning and encouragement. Studies have shown that children who are in environments where they feel like they matter, will have more self-esteem and drive to excel in more areas than if not.

The idea behind Mystic Meadows was the sense of magic. Children are at the most creative age around adolescent years, and traditional white walls and school desks limit that creativity and instead teach children to conform. To combat that, the design encourages endless possibilities to try new things, even if it is different ways to approach the design of educational institutions.


Project Two